Organisation Committee
Co-Chair: Emma Spary (University of Leeds)
Co-Chair: Ruth Winden (University of Leeds)
Project Officer: Katie Jones (University of Leeds)
Rachel Bray (University of Oxford)
Kasia Bronk (University College London)
Alice Dubois (Queen's University Belfast)
Nicole Horst (University of Cambridge)
Ines Perpetuo (Imperial College London)
Kathy Barrett (King's College London)
Nicola Cuthbert (University of Edinburgh)
If you have any questions about Researchers14 or would like to work with the group, please contact the Co-Chairs, Emma Spary and Ruth Winden.
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
Cardiff University
Durham University
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
Joanna Royle / Rachel Herries
Imperial College London
King's College London
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
Queen Mary University of London
Queen's University Belfast
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University College London
University of York